Friday 28 July 2017

A book promotion that works

I ran a promotion through Amazon last week and to my big surprise it actually worked! Over 34,000 people watched the promotional video for my book on YouTube and 90 of those viewers went ahead and bought my book. This brings my total paid for copies in three months up to 220 which is what I would call a respectable start for my alter ego.

What does it all mean? Well, the rankings say it all. For a brief moment I made an under 4,000 overall ranking which translates to around 40-50 sold copies per day. At the time of writing I’m back at 25,000, which averages at around 4-5 sold books per day. I expect this to drop lower again, soon. It’s not what you might call a big deal but it is a milestone all the same. I have now well and truly crossed the major Amazon hurdle that spells death for most writers: You need to sell a certain amount of books (I believe 50-100) before Amazon starts to actively promote you. If you linger in the high hundred thousands with only a few sold copies you don’t exist. Once you cross that line of recognition, the automated Amazon promotion starts kicking in. From now on your book will be listed under the also reads. This is free advertising and the single most important target for new authors.
Forget hunting for reviews. It’s irrelevant. The myth of 50 reviews has long been debunked. Amazon doesn’t care about feedbacks, nor should you. What counts are sales and short of a miracle you can only get them with a successful promotion. No, I did not pay anybody a lot of money to get my sales up with questionable email carpet bombing. I did all this on my own, by using the tools Amzon puts on our disposal and an investment of $ 130. It just goes to show you that you don’t have to pay the snake oil sellers and promotion sharks to run a very successful campaign on your own.

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